Bloq 1 . Chapters , 3 ,9 &10-Intercultural Communication , Groups and Leadership

Chapter 3, 9 and 10 presentations

Manuela Delgado

I learned from this presentation many things that introduced me to Intercultural Communication , Groups and Leadership .I was able to see the forming of a group in the student culture on the now ongoing Fall semester at Miami Dade College and be able to discuss how the use of Virtual Group unite students from different ethnic backgrounds. In the presentation gives us the opportunity to experience how Technology plays a leader role in this subjects and in other general aspects of our student  lives.

Being able to share with new students who showed interest in completing the group project and how they were engaged, attentive , collaborative and responsive throughout the developments of the presentations shows their interest in the topics of this presentation. Interest is one of the foundations of Intercultural Communications . Families , work teams , and social groups all should be able to share common interests and values. The study of language , cultures , communicative behaviors is key to promote knowledge at the educational level on this course. I can notice we have a mix of ethnic backgrounds in the class , and there is a balance in gender participation both between male and female students.

It may seem clear that we have a young generation of student culture , who are proactive in accomplishing this first  project goal .Our course may be categorized by student millennials , who are described as creative workers , who share their gifts and make an impact on others and within their community through the use of technology and Virtual Groups. Due to that this group is has been exposed to technology in a broader sense. We were able to harmonize by setting communication by using technology platforms such as Black Board for the Class , What Sapp Group  Chat and Google Drive Power Point slides.

Just as it is described in the chapter of Effective Leadership. We utilize meetings to participate and monitor groups. Everybody has shown politeness as a foundation in group  communications , as well as they have shown to be prepared and motivated. Leadership roles were distributed within the class as our Professor assigned  Class Monitors ,and Class Techs , in order to delegate functions and tasks for this class mates  and to assist the rest of their team members , organize the material being reviewed and obtain a more complete class development.

It was very nice to see that the students showed excellent graphs and visuals about the topics discussed. In this case to synthesize High and Low Context Cultures information which is used in our main Dominant Culture in the U.S. and other parts of this region. Many approached the subject of work groups and used as example the Marvel Movies which/make a part of the/ are traditional on current Western Culture  , to discuss conflict and how groups work on finding solutions. 

One of the main subjects ,Intercultural Communication runs across in dominant cultures , and explained terms , such as Bio Culture and Code Switch . Being part of a Bi Culture community in South Florida Education system integrates the role of race & ethnicity in American Students . The communications and relations between different ethnic groups to ultimately reach goals such as overcoming racial inequality in culture .In the case of other Ethnicities and Cultural groups , gender , socio economical status and religion could help define the way groups form and structure themselves.

Ethnicity impacts students personal lives  and their educational development as well  . It can increase or decrease their ability to get ahead. Some groups may consider they are at an advantage while others may feel they have more impediments , as a minority .Race and ethnicity also influences how students think about themselves. It could be a central aspect or key in their overall identity after facing challenges when growing up. How they feel affected or unequal during this times in comparison to other generational eras. It affects their educational performance and partisanship among different roles in the community. Different etchnic groups can share linked views , or Co switch to get along .

The amount of education certain etchnic groups receive may vary by political influences in the different Autocratic or Democratic locations or groups. While many may feel average, other may feel different . This identity will define and later affect their ability to succeed in highschool and college education. Ehtnic groups can be divided after facing unequal treatment in their countries , and after migrating to other parts of the world .Students may forsee specific situations happening in areas of advantage and status differ significantly by gender and socio economical status by what they were introduced to by their families and the type of conversations they had when they were growing up and ultimately by the hard work they give on their lives.

The use of Virtual Groups, Which has united many cultural races across the planet to participate in different type of Social , Interest , and Support Groups. The majority of students  has decided in taking remote class learning .After the Pandemic now we have a new cultural influence of technology , which has broken barriers and united students who may possibly be culturally different and also may be and be located in a different region. It creates an impact in to our education and careers in a number of ways. Since individuals work within a context shaped by the culture of organizations and the individuals within that organization , culture influences the type of work that is done, the rewards for various types of work, and the types of interaction that are valued. In this case we discuss characteristics of Virtual Groups .

How people are expected to operate in this channel of communication? through computers and the internet? , it is still considered a new learning environment and it requires the use of Leadership and implementation of meetings ,such as the standards followed in a school program. Compared to other generations , such as the 1970s when the computers where just starting to be used. This tools allow students to meet online. In this case terms such as Netiquette , the correct way to behave online through the use of this technological applications that are about to be reviewed. Many members can meet, set goals , and accomplish projects together.

Following the Chapter 1 Intercultural communication Group 2 placed focus on the importance of effective group formation and structure , accountability , Individualistic and Collective groups. Group 3’s collaborative was mainly about how leaders can meet goals , assignments , record group process during performance and task to eventually be organized through Polychronic or Monochronic essentials

The work within the class was distributed evenly between groups , which shows effective group management .The entire class is following the agenda and meetings set by the Class program syllabus which is completed by the teacher . All the students must show compliance to meeting deadlines , as a part of norm  ,which is discussed in Chapter 9 .  

There is a focus on leadership to record group progress. There are different stages on collaborative which are composed of various models such as to define accountability, the ability to take responsibility with meeting tasks- on deadlines .

Group accountability , is formed and promoted through the groups performance, is a continuous variable that is influenced by two factors: ability and willingness. Knowledge, experience, and skill that an individual or group brings to a particular task or activity. Members of accountable groups, unlike those of non-accountable groups, process the ability to perform their tasks without much direction, assistance, or direct supervision. Willingness refers to the extent to which an individual or group has the confidence, commitment, and motivation to accomplish a specific task. Members of accountable  groups do not require extensive encouragement or pushing to work on their tasks.

In the digital age, students have access to High and Low context cultural information. Is global development sector that includes the use of technology in Intercultural Communication . Implementing new ways and configurations for remote teamwork using information and communication technologies on a widespread basis. Crises and technological influences , Social , Interest , Support and other types of groups. They  can meet to share habits , traditions , behaviors and experiences together .It also involves the way they work. In the last century, in the middle of health ,economic , and other crisis, the concept of teleworking is defined using remote computer equipment as a tool for Student Groups to communicate. Leaders provide access to concerns .They stablish processes .

In virtual meetings there is a space for cultural diversity , interdependence of tasks , leadership , cohesion , empowerment , confidence in virtuality. Usually there will be a host. There are several platforms for virtual group meetings online world wide. This gatherings are different versus face to face meetings . Yet they will maintain certain similarities in structure .There has been a lot of public demand after the pandemic Virtual meetings incorporate social dynamics .They also require active participation for them to be successful .They can be corporate or academic conferences and will synchronous , which means communications will be in real-time .Team structure in a virtual group will recognize the point person . You should be seen as a member .Take the time to create a personal connection .Make proper use of computer tools , follow remote policies .There are also virtual movements online , resources to find solutions , ways to manage conflict and sometimes even communities that will reward you for your participation .

Individualism and collectivism in cultures explains how groups within culture face barriers and achieves goals , in how they can work as individuals , or collectively. Individualistic cultures hold accountability for one member of the social group can do form himself . In collectivism ,the accountability is reviewed as a groups performance and achievement. This could be distinguished in work and educational environments.

Establishing a time culture is crucial to success then is when the terms Polychronic Culture and Monochronic Culture terms come in place. This different time cultures contrast between each other. Technology has created platforms for computer learning which can be multidimensional and be polychronic , members of the groups can participate from different locations , and contribute at their own pase at times. Monochronic group believes in finishing one task at a time. In their culture, time is a valuable commodity that shouldn’t be wasted and sticking to one task at a time ensures that it’s well-managed. The monochronic culture schedules one event at a time in an orderly fashion.

Technology has brought together group  communication between people from different cultures .Guidelines , morals, values, ethics  are shared , team structures are built , starting with families to the scale of social , interest , virtual groups within the academic community. They can be affected by a dominant culture which may have created a diverse or no so diverse environment.


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