Reflection Blog Chapters: 3, 9 and 10

 Joseph Padron                        

                     The Importance of Communication

            Before, I even started to speak about the presentations individually and state what I enjoyed about each of them I wanted to talk about communication. Every presentation we did had different topics although we had one thing in common we all spoke in some way shape or form about communication. Through the three presentations, I learned various things about communication and its importance in everyday life. Communication is very essential as it is our way to learn how to express ourselves and explain things to others effective communication is a key to success in whatever you do in life. Although at first, I did not know what to expect from this class as we have begun to learn about the importance of communication and all the little things that go into learning and practicing communication. I now see why it is important to learn and is something that will be useful for all our lives.

                    Chapter 3 Intercultural Communications

          First off, the chapter 3 presentation was very well put together and they discussed their topics in an easy-to-understand way. I really enjoyed how they talked about the importance of communication and its relationship with culture. They started off by first talking about what culture is which is created by a set of people or civilizations. Culture is everything it is the identity of people it is what makes us unique. For example, we see it in food that tacos are from Mexico or wontons are from China. Even the way we dress, the language we speak, and the way we think are affected by culture. Culture is beautiful it creates different types of people with different sets of values religions and languages and that's why it is at times hard to communicate between one culture and another and that's what is considered to be intercultural communication.

            Some other important key points that were very well explained in the chapter 3 presentation were socioeconomic status and the different classes in society. I really enjoyed this part of the presentation because it talks about how the economy also greatly affects everyday life. You can see the different classes of the economy the lower class is an everyday struggle that leads to very few opportunities whether that be in education or in jobs it is very difficult and many people in this situation will become depressed. Then you have the middle class which consists of many hard-working people who may not have a luxury lifestyle but have the basic necessities and with a little hard work and education can reach their goals. Then you have the upper class which is extremely wealthy this can be because the person worked hard got an education and found a good opportunity or was just born into wealth.


                    Chapter 9 Communication In Groups

            The chapter 9 presentation was also great I was a part of the group and I saw how we each did our own parts of the presentation and how everything started to come together. I really liked how in our presentation everyone really took the time to learn their own topics and become proficient enough to explain them to the class. Besides being very educational I really think the way each of my classmates illustrated and explained each of their slides and some of them also used graphs or illustrations really helped not only educate but was entertaining at the same time. For the most part, I feel like our group did an outstanding job, and to be honest, I didn't think it was going to go as smoothly as it did because with technology there is always bound to be a mistake in the process. 

        The other thing I really enjoyed about our presentation was how we divided up the work. The group did a great job breaking up the work in a way that was not an overwhelming workload and was easy to present to the class.  The topics we talked about were set up in an organized way like the way we talked about the different group's social groups, support groups, interest groups, service groups, and work groups. They separated each topic and explained each one separately and gave examples for each of them.            

                Chapter 10 Leadership and Problem Solving

        Last but not least chapter 10 presentation on leadership and problem solving had a lot of good features to it as the well first thing I liked was their topic because it really goes hand in hand with chapter 9. Leadership and problem solving are two of the most important things in a group as well as in life and general. I really like how this group used lots of videos and diagrams throughout the whole presentation to organize their information and keep things entertaining. They discussed many useful tips such as how to resolve issues that arise within a group. They also talk about how to effectively participate in a meeting and tips on how to process the most information in the best ways such as taking notes, listening attentively, and reviewing decisions. They showed many ways how to prepare before a meeting and better process the information and study it after a meeting. Overall, I really enjoyed the way this group organized their presentation and presented it, it was very educational and entertaining

                                Conclusion of Reflection

        In conclusion, I strongly feel that each and every one of my classmates really did a great job on all three presentations. They all took their time and studied their chapters and put a great effort into the presentation. I really like the format in which we did this project because it allows us the learn how to work and communicate within groups. The presentations also helped me better understand the chapters. Personally, I learned more from listening and watching the presentations than from reading the chapters on my own so I think it is a very effective method to also study and learn information. All in all, the three presentations were very entertaining and educational and I'm really looking forward to seeing the outcome of the next presentations we have coming up.



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