Blog 2: Themes Presentation

Joseph Padron                                                     

                                                         Blog 2: Theme Presentation Review


Group 3: Healthcare and Education 

           The first group that was up on the theme's presentation was group 3 and their topic was health care and education. They organized their presentation very well they began by discussing healthcare and how it is different globally. I like how they used a map to display how most countries provide free healthcare to all their citizens. They would then go further in-depth and discuss the pros and cons of a free healthcare system as opposed to a paid one like the one we have in the United States. They stated that about 45,000 people die yearly due to not having healthcare an issue free healthcare would solve. On the other hand, they also mention that free healthcare would force all citizens to pay about 20 percent more yearly taxes for services they might not even utilize. I really enjoyed this portion because it gave me an unbiased outlook on both systems of healthcare and their pros and cons. Also continuing on the topic of healthcare I like how they talked about the big pharma (Johnson and Johnson, Pfizer, and Merck and co) and how they are absolutely overcharging on essential things such as insulin to turn a good profit. The second topic the group discussed was education one of the first topics on education was about the Biden administration and his plan to help students in debt with his student loan relief program. Then they went on to discuss one of the major issues we are having in education a shortage of teachers at the national level. Overall, I found this presentation to be a well-organized and nice icebreaker to get into the next one

Group 2: Law and Order with Immigration

        Group 2 was my group and we had the topic of law and order with immigration. The presentation came out very nice one of my favorite topics is crime rates which Lilly Fernandez presented. I found the topic of crime rates interesting because it goes into detail about all the things that affect crime such as a densely populated place mostly consisting of young people. This topic has lots of important demographics to look at and it's good that she presented first because it gives the audience a better understanding of one of the main things in law and order which is a crime, and where it commonly occurs. Another part of the presentation that I found to be interesting was the Economic effects that illegal immigration has on the U.S. economy presented by Eleazar Perez. He discussed the impact that both illegal and legal immigrants have on the economy his presentation said that legal immigrants were very beneficial to the economy because they were a positive addition to the workforce and were producing for themselves but also for the community. On the other hand for illegal immigrants since they are not documented and get paid cash they don't pay taxes so it doesn't benefit the country. This part also discussed the views towards immigration of both the republican and democratic parties the republicans were in favor of more regulations and border security while the democrats were opposed to it. Then he summed it up by talking about the dangers of illegal immigration such as human trafficking, disease, sexual exploitation, exploitation of labor, etc. Inside of the topics of the dangers he also showed the statistics of the number of drugs smuggled into us through borders and the population of illegal immigrants in the prison system. The presentation overall was great I feel like we were more organized than the first time and also executed and discussed some key points.

Group 1: Racial Divide and the Economy


        The last group to present was group 3 and their topic was Racial Divide and the Economy. This presentation I personally found it to be my favorite of the three. It felt like a near-perfect presentation it was so organized and detailed I love the number of graphs and charts their presentation displayed. One of my favorite parts of the entire presentation had to the topic of the Economy on a Global Scale presented by Alessandro Lapomarda. The slides during this part were filled with valuable information in charts and graphs, so I found it very helpful to understand and process the information being that I am a very visual learner. He also described the information very well and you can really tell he studied and did his research on the topic because he was very well-spoken. The other part of the presentation that really stood out to me was the topic of the Racial Divide in America presented by Alejandro Leyva. Some of the things I enjoyed about this part was that although his slides contained lots of information he maintained it concisely and easily to understand. Instead of just using only words he used graphs and charts as well which make it easier for the audience to interpret the information. Overall, I would have to say of the three presentations this one stood out to me most I really liked their topics and they executed the presentation beautifully. All around they displayed an exceptional amount of teamwork to create a well-put presentation.


        All in all, I would like to state that all three presentations were phenomenal I enjoyed the topics that were selected as well. They all helped me grasp a better understanding of these daily problems we have around us that many try to ignore or forget. Although, when you look at the information on the graphs and charts it is undeniable that there are many issues and we must attempt to find solutions without adding to the problem. Another, the thing I would also like to add is that all three groups also demonstrated lots of improvements from the first presentation to this one. I think everyone was more well-prepared and really had a better group connection which led to better teamwork and a much-improved presentation.



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