Blog two: Theme Presentations

     Our three groups each did presentations on different topics to explain why voting in our elections are important. Group three started off with healthcare and education. The first step topic they talked about was free healthcare/changes in healthcare policies. Having free healthcare allows patients to have all the same level care and they do not have to pay money for health care. A downside to having free healthcare is an increase in taxes by an estimated 20%. changes in healthcare policies are made at both the federal level and by Congress and by healthcare agencies. Individuals can affect the change by voting in midterm elections. another topic that was discussed with psychotherapy. Psychotherapy is a way to help people by Positivity changing their emotions, thoughts and actions during life’s difficulties. It also controls or cures various mental illnesses without the need of drugs or medication. Having access to a psychological therapist helps to cure depression, anxiety, worries and other emotional difficulties that this derives, and later can cause problems to ourselves and other community members. One of three people in America have experienced a mental illness. offering free counselor or therapist encourages people to explore and recognize her concerns or mental illnesses. In this way they can be cured and improve the quality of life. As a public benefit, this would create a healthier society where we could all be heard and advised. prescription drug pricing. Big Pharma in other words is the global pharmaceutical industry. These giant corporations bring big profits and are still selling prescription drugs all over the US in the world. Next is student loan forgiveness. according to the Department of Education you are still eligible for the forgiveness. Anyone who is making less than 125,000 per year is eligible. The plan is to also include those who never graduated college they will be forgiving anything between $10,000 and $20,000. Another concern is the teacher shortage. according to the US Department of education more than 75% of states reported having shortages of teachers for math science special education reading and foreign languages. Teachers are the number one influence on students' achievement and research shows that poor quality teaching disrupts learning and has a negative impact on students ability to graduate from school. A very important topic is abortion. an abortion is a procedure to end a pregnancy. Also sometimes known as a termination of pregnancy. The pregnancies ended either by taking medicines or having a surgical procedure. Gun Control is something I believe that should be taken care of immediately. A present human rights issue is gone violence. The right to life, which is among the most basic human rights, is in danger of gun violence. Gun violence is a daily tragedy that has an impact on people's lives all around the world. Every day, gun violence claims the lives of more than 500 people. The controversy over whether restriction on the right to bear weapons constitutes an excessive restriction of freedom and there is a link between guns and crime centers on with a gun control is one of the most controversial and sensitive issues in many nations. Group three presented beautifully. They did an amazing job talking about their topics and informing us. 

    Group one’s topic for their presentation is racial divide and the economy. economy is the wealth and resources of a country or region, especially in terms of production and consumption of goods and services. Miami's economy relies on several sectors, with the main ones being tourism, media and telecommunications, International trade and financial services. As of August 2020 Miami Dade county unemployment rate is at 2.30%, compared to 5.10% last year. There has been a little increase in many jobs areas. The housing situation in Miami becomes worse every year and there are several factors that contribute to it. One of them is the slow rate of income growth. It rings 40 seconds among large metropolises, with an annual rate of just a 1.3% increase in income. The median household income in Miami is 44,500. The next topic discussed is the current economy in America. A variety of factors go into Americans' assessment of current economic conditions, the most prominent being perceptions about wages and income, the availability of jobs and the cost of healthcare. racial divide at the local level, Within Miami- Dade county criminal justice system disparities regardless of ethnicity, result in disadvantages for black defendants and neighborhood well resulting in advantages for white defendants in neighborhoods. racial divide in America, even though a classroom should be treated as a global equalizer, and that no race or the city should be relevant with regard to everyone’s academic success, it is evident that numbers tell another story. In the United States, Hispanics and African-Americans have continued to have considerably lower earnings than whites and Asians. This group did a fantastic job displaying and showing their information. They used a lot of visuals and graphs and explained everything so that everyone could comprehend. 

    The next and final group was group 2. And their topic was law and order with immigration. The first topic was what leads to higher crime rates. population density, population of youth concentration, motor transportation and highway systems, Economic conditions, including income, poverty level, and job availability, Cultural factors and educational, recreational, and religious characteristics, Family conditions with respect to divorce and family cohesiveness and Climate. The highest crime rate happens in low income communities of color. Both property crime and violent crime were 22% higher in states than the national average. finding some social class differences in crime are less clear than they are for gender and age difference. Republicans have accused immigrants of learning on the East Coast with false promises of Home and work. To give insight into how these immigrants are treated on these “trips“ it seems to depend on the state in which they are leaving. This is a fight between the two parties Republicans wanted to put the blame on. Democrats were not doing enough to stop migrants from crossing the border. Democrats however see this as being inhumane and using people as props even describing this whole event as a political theater. The dangers of illegal immigration are human trafficking across US Mexico border, drug smuggling across US Mexico border, lack of access to necessary services, slavery, sexual exploitation, exploitation of labor, deaths or illnesses while crossing the US Mexico border, and unknown diseases. The next topic is on border control and why it's important. The Mexican border to America is 6000 miles and the Canadian border to America is 2000. Border control is made up of over 60,000 employees that help fight the illegal activity that goes on throughout the border. Not only do they engage with the illegal immigrants trying to come into the United States, they also stop any terrorist trying to come in to America through the border. Alien registration numbers in specific identification numbers for non-citizens, it helps the United States government to keep track of the different immigration forms for a specific person altogether. The issues border patrol are facing is they do not have enough financial resources to face the number of illegal immigrants trying to come through the southwest border. This is making the morale of the CPB agents extremely low. There are a number of reasons why immigrants choose to make the difficult decision to leave their country and start a new life in the country that is foreign. The main reason why people migrate is in search of a better life. discrimination is very harsh reality for many immigrants that come from different countries. Most immigrants come to the United States and search for a better life but many have to put up with racism and stereotypes against their ethnic city. This discrimination ultimately affect her lives in many aspects such as, they may struggle to obtain employment or maintain it. D.A.C.A: deferred action of childhood arrivals is a temporary lawful status. A person who receives deferred action is considered to be lawfully present and may apply for work authorization. Group two presented their information well and did it in an organized manner. 


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